Monday, May 5, 2008


Ok friends, it's been too long since I've blogged. I'm feeling down-trodden and uninspired. I planned to offer you something tonight, but after writing for a while I realized my particular combination of words really sucked ball :) and I backspaced them all into oblivion, as I have done many times before. So here's the deal. I come to you tonight asking for help. I am but a pathetic blogger in need of a muse. If you are up to the challenge, sweet rewards await you...virtual hugs and emoticons of adoration. Leave a comment if you have an idea for a topic. Things I do not want to write about include (but are not limited to) my birthday (it was lovely, I just think it's annoying to carry on about your birthday when you're an old dame like me), work, boyfriend envy, driving anxiety, Darfur, errant strands of old-lady chin-hair, and the Jonas Brothers. I'm not promising to take your ideas, but I do promise to be back tomorrow night with something. Good night, and I'll be back tomorrow!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Write about how hot you are for Coldplay. Or about your new iTouch. I was actually going to write a spoof on the iTouch called the iNeedtobetouched. It was going to be about the newest line of Macs, all of which can touch you in special ways. But I couldn't give it legs. Maybe you can...
